Welcome to our Year 4 page. We have two classes in our year group Edwards 4E (Olympian Ski Jumper) and Hussain 4H (Chef) We are taught by Miss Spokes and Mrs Flynn In addition to this, Teaching Assistants Mrs Rogers and Mr Perry support our learning.
Year 4 Weekly Timetable:
Please see below the Year 4 weekly timetable.
Year 4 Topics
- History – The Vikings, Children through the Ages
- Geography – Deserts, Settlements, North and South America
- Science – Living Things and Habitats, Sound, States of Matter, Digestive System/Teeth, Electricity
- Art – Pointilism, Clay Dragon Faces, Photography
- D&T – Design and make Viking pouches, healthy picnics
Reading takes places every day before lunch, once the children have completed a book they can take an Accelerated Reader Quiz to check for understanding. This term children will be bringing home a reading record to record all the reading they do at home and school. It must be brought into school EVERY DAY. The children also have an opportunity to read aloud to an adult and we ask.
Books we will study this year
Outdoor Learning:
Our outdoor learning day is every other Friday. The children should come to school in uniform with wet-weather clothing and appropriate footwear.
PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday and we require your PE kit to be in school every day which can be taken home on a Friday to be washed ready for the following week. P.E Kit can be worn to school on Wednesdays for the mile run, (please ensure normal uniform is brought to school carried in a separate bag).
Water Bottles:
The children should have a clearly named water bottle in the classroom. This should be a different bottle from their lunch drink and should be WATER only. The bottles should be taken home daily.
Multiplication tables check:
Your child will be participating in the multiplication tables check in June, a parents guide can be found below. We will practice our times table in class using Times Table Rock Stars (TTRS).We kindly ask for children to practice as much as possible using TTRS or Times Table Games.
How you can help support your childs learning:
•Promote a love of reading and read regularly at home.
•Encourage a growth mindset and a can-do attitude. The power of ‘yet’!
•Working little bits of maths into every-day life – counting out money at the shop, telling the time, helping to weigh and measure ingredients etc.
•Complete the maths homework and practice any times tables your child still does not know.
Michael Edwards - Class 4E

Michael David Edwards, better known as Eddie the Eagle, is an English ski jumper and Olympian
Year 4 In Action
Photos to follow........................
Nadiya Hussain - Class 4H

British Chef and winner of the sixth series of BBC's The Great British Bake Off in 2015