Ex governors
Jason Chamberlin
30/11/22 - 18/10/23
Co-opted, appointed by the Governing Board. Term ended due to formation of Federation.
Register of Interest: Royal Bank of Scotland (employer)
Jasons attendance is 100%
Chris Evans
09/10/19 - 18/10/23
Co-opted, appointed by the Governing Board. Term ended due to formation of Federation.
Register of Interest: Deputy Headmaster at Reading School
Chris attendance is 42%
Joanne Nuckley
5/10/22 - 18/10/23
Co-opted, appointed by the Governing Board. Term ended due to formation of Federation.
Register of Interest: None
Joannes attendance is 100%
Kirsty Glanville
05/10/22 - 04/10/23
Co-opted, appointed by the Governing Board. Resigned due to lack of time.
Register of Interest: None
Kirsty's attendance is 20%
Mandy Hargun
24/03/2021 - 21/1/23
Co-opted, appointed by the Governing Board. Resigned due to lack of time.
Register of Interest: None
Attendance: 86%
Lizi Hawkins
04/12/19 - 13/01/23
Parent governor, appointed by parental ballot. Resigned due to requirements of new employment.
Register of Interests: Independent Speech Therapist.
Britt Measures
21/3/16 - 20/12/22
Co-opted, appointed by the governing board, resigned due to lack of time.
Register of Interests: None.
Attendance: 75%
Judith Pine
04/9/13 - 01/9/22
Co-opted governor, appointed by the Governing Board. Resigned due to retirement and long service.
Register of Interests: None.
Attendance: 100%
Polly Cornish
10/7/19 - 31/7/22
Co-opted governor, appointed by the Governing Board. Resigned due to lack of time available.
Register of Interests: Head of New Town Primary.
Attendance: 82%
Neil Stacey
12/7/17 - 6/6/22
Parent governor until July 2021, then Co-opted by the board. Resigned due to lack of time available to commit to the role.
Register of Interests: West Berks Council (employer).
Attendance: 100%
Stuart Brunson
03/12/18 - 20/8/20
Co-opted, appointed by the governing board, resigned due to pressures of work.
Register of Interests: Father of Tom Brunson, ex deputy head.
Attendance: 75%