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Garland Junior School

Garland School is the continuation of Mrs Bland’s Parochial School, opened in 1873 on the site of the present Bland’s Court in Reading Road.  The school moved to Mrs Bland’s School's present location in 1962.  In June 1966 the junior section of Mrs Bland’s School left the Infants and moved to our Clayhill Road site.

The two schools aim to function as a primary school sharing the same philosophies of education.  We have close curricular and pastoral links with Mrs Bland’s Infant School and The Willink.  The Headteachers work very closely together with the staff to ensure the continuation of education from 4-18 years.

The main school has a central hall with four corridors leading from it. Each corridor contains two classrooms and its own cloakroom facilities. Classrooms are large and equipped with an Interactive Whiteboard, access to the internet and a wide range of stimulating resources.  There is a dedicated ELSA room,  a library area and two smaller classrooms which are used by groups of children working with Teaching Assistants and volunteer helpers. 

Recently, we have completed renovations to The Bungalow, and are pleased to add 'The Hub' to our school facilities.  The Hub provides three new amazing spaces for our school community to learn and grow together.  It is a friendly, relaxing space in which children can get the support they need to build resilience. The Experience Room is a bright welcoming space for Funzone and other curriculum activites such as Music, the Nurture Room is a calm space for ELSA sessions and finally The Learning Room which is set up as a small classroom for small group work, helping all our pupils to achieve their full potential.  To read the news article and find out more, check out 'The Hub' page on our site.

'Determination, Respect, Teamwork'
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